Saturday, 28 July 2007


I ike going out with Dad because we go to different places - Mum just takes us to the Topfield - not that I'm complaining, but it means I have to explore further afield - the more fields the better is what I say !! So when she thinks I have run away and keeps shouting me , I am only making things more interesting for myself where she cant see me and wont get upset....
She decided earlier this year to take me swimming at a dog swimming pool. She took Sapphire first because she was supposed to be getting fit for showing, but Sapphire didnt like it and it wasnt doing her coat any good, so unfortunately it was my turn. Now I do like proper water - the sort that is a nice brown colour with an earthy smell, but this was green with a horrible smell. Well I knew I wouldnt like it so I kept trying to make for the edge and get out. I splashed really hard and mum got soaked. On the way home she said she didnt know why she bothered and wouldnt be taking me again - whew !!

Anyway, Dad said he wanted to walk up Moel Findeg and did Mum want to come too ? They put me, Flash and Sapphire in the car too and we went and parked up at the entrance where there was a big sign. I saw mum reading it and muttering something about EssEssEssEye. Flash and Sapphire are Goody Two Shoes and always come back when called - they dont know what they are missing ! I lulled M and D into a false sense of security by staying fairly hany for a bit, and just as they werent looking - I legged it ! I could hear them shouting me and Dad saying - 'Put them on a lead' - Hee hee, I am naughty and they get put on leads !!

Well I had my fun and decided to go back to them and they sat on a big stone next to the pond - the sort that is a nice brown colour with an earthy smell - just my kind of water ! Well, I just dont understand it ? They were shouting at me and saying S.S.S.I. No idea what they were on about - it was a lovely place to swim - I stayed there as long as I wanted - it was heaven. I had to laugh - poor Flash thought the green part of the pond was grass and he tried to walk on it and fell in !! Even Sapphire had a paddle.

Mean time Mum and Dad were pink and shouting. We all got our leads put on and were taken home....

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